Signing Day

Success Stories

Nicholas Costanzo

I cannot speak highly enough about Tom Repicci and CSA Prepstar. Tom took such a hands on and personal approach for our entire family during the recruiting process. His insight, honesty and management of expectations were critical in determining the best path for Nicholas. I can say unequivocally, if it weren't for Tom's guidance, Nicholas would not have had the opportunity to continue his education and football career at John Carroll University. I will forever be grateful for everything Tom invested into my son and our family.

Shawn Costanzo
Griffin Garcia

Hello my name is Griffin Garcia, and I’m a senior at Steinbrenner High School; I joined Csa Prepstar with Derek Del Rosal about 3 months ago and the results have been amazing. I signed up with him on a Sunday and the very next day I had college coaches texting me. Before signing up I only had the basic showcase emails and not much serious talk from colleges, but that really did change through Derek. Just like he says he’s invested in his atheletes, he was out at my practices that ran to 10:00 pm on weekdays just to check in and take videos for colleges and many different things. There were very few fall games that I didn’t see him up in the stands taking videos or on the phone with different colleges. Everyone is at a different skill level, therefor obviously he can’t guarantee that everyone will get to a school but I can testify for my relationship with him and what he did for me, and I went from having no serious college interest, to recently committing to Flagler college and he’s a huge reason why. He truly is dedicated to his athletes and has a lot of connections to different schools, from my time with him I believe it was worth the time, effort, and money. Thank you Mr. Derek.

Griffin Garcia
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